Sunday, April 08, 2007


Still raining. The Easter bunny and the Easter cow(?) showed up this morning. I remembered seeing a church yesterday on the way in and thought I would walk this morning. After 20+ minutes I never got there but had a nice breakfast.

Someone said there was a skiff of snow on the van - that was enough for this chicken rider to retreat to the van for another day. I had lots of company today — too cold, too much traffic. But, I think I may have ridden — at least parts of me: I loaned my tights, gaiter, gloves, and jacket.

Most of us are beginning to wonder if we will ever get to the other side of Texas. I think we have 5 more days. Actually, we just want it to warm up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retta- it was terrific to meet you on Easter Day. I do hope the weather is warming up for you and the group as you pedal toward that eastbound destination! Ride strong and know that folks in Austin, TX are cheering you on!

1:40 PM  

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