Thursday, May 03, 2007

Over, Done. Now what?

47 miles today to St. Augustine, Florida, 3,115 miles down. We had wonderful fresh papaya at our sag stop — they don’t come that fresh in Missouri. We pedaled by the St. John’s River for a good part of the morning. We got to the fire station at 11:00 and took a bunch of photos. We took them by age groups: 70’s, 60’s (of which I am now a member) 50’s and our sag drivers. Then we had a police escort the last 6mi of the way to the Anastasia Beach were we were meet by a crowd of family and friends. It was almost more than I could take in.

The most serendipitous experience happened. My parents dear friends, who live part-time in southern Florida and drive home to Ontario, started driving north yesterday and decided to camp at Anastasia Park last night. This morning they walked to the beach and heard there were female bike riders from San Diego coming at lunch. They knew I could be one of them and stayed to see. I hadn’t seen them in five years. I was shocked and still am. It was so good to see them. My regret - I didn’t take their picture. So Doug and Marg thanks so much for the ride to the hotel!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and to the other women.

Marcel (one of the 4 french canadians)

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now what?? Are you crazy?? You have been accepted into an inner circle which has no end but endless beginnings. Not all our your accomplishments have been physical ones. You have grown in your appreciation of God's land and God's gifts to you in nature and friendships. Now is the time to look homeward to family and friends there. You are now an even greater and finer gift to us. Love, Joy

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a trip!! You can do anything! Congrats!!

Sue Eudaly

7:20 PM  

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